Masako Takara Née Tachibana Height: 5’7 Weight: 315 Lbs Age: 22



Masako is a woman of average height with short, messy blonde hair and fiery red eyes. She’s been overweight since she was young, but her recent pregnancy has seen her blow up like a balloon, looking as though she was carrying quintuplets rather than just one baby.



Masako is a bold, fiercely independent woman much like her mother Ryoko. Unique to Masako however, is her mischief. Always finding some way to tease those around her, she’s rarely seen without a devious grin on fer face.

Masako is often seen with a baseball cap that belonged to her late father.




With the death of her father at a young age, Masako grew up quick, helping her mother Ryoko out anyway she could, running the family bakery and helping to care for her ill younger brother Leo.

In high school, Masako would be known as a “Kabocha Cow” by her peers due to her size and gluttony. Unlike her friend Maeko however, she would surprise all of them with her athletic feats, proving that while fat, she was also fit. This would earn her the attraction of her future husband, Satou Takara.

Before the story began, Masako has recently opened the Kabocha Cafe, a diner that used to belong to the family. Unfortunately for her, “celebrations” on opening night lead to her getting pregnant, something that has placed an immense strain on her ability to run the cafe by herself…



Tachibana Women Arc:

We first meet Masako in the present overwhelmed at the Kabocha cafe, the pregnant woman managing the lunch rush entirely by herself. Arriving with a delivery from the bakery, Leo and Ryoko would burst into action to help her, her mother chiding her for overdoing it. Masako grumbled that she should have help, it just hadn’t arrived yet. Right on cue, Hana would burst through the door, mumbling that she had missed the bus and was late. Leo and Hana would freeze up upon seeing eachother, but Masako would break the ice by yelling for them to get to work.

After Hana had changed into her uniform, Masako saw how sheepish Leo was around the new hire, a devious look growing on her face… Moving into the kitchen, Ryoko asked Masako where she found Hana, Masako admitting she had found her dumpster diving out back. Surprised, Ryoko asked is Leo was safe around her, but Masako would reassure her mother, revealing that she was sure he was crushing on Hana. Ryoko doubted this, believing that Lisbeth was his soulmate, but Masako was sure… Before the conversation could continue however, she was deflated to hear plates shattering in the dining room as Leo tried teaching Hana how to carry a platter, shattering plates, cups, and spilling water all over Leo…

As Hana ran to get towels, Masako hovered over Leo, confronting him about his crush. Confirming it, he begged her not to tell anyone. She agreed… as long as he would confess sooner rather than later.

Hana rushed back in, Ryoko following behind her, saying it was time for her and Leo to leave for the night.

Masako saw the two off, and turned her attention to Hana… tallying up the bill for all the dishware she broke. Hana worried about getting fired, but Masako assured her she was fine, inviting her to dinner. Hana would try to reject this offer, but her stomach thought otherwise, accepting with a growl.

Sitting down, Hana was shocked to see a strange plate placed before her- a Cheeseburger with Donut buns. Masako told her it was an experimental dish of hers, trying to compete with the fast food chain down the road. Hana didn’t want to eat it, but Masako slipped up, telling her that she had to loosen her belt if she wanted to be a “Tachibana Woman.” Masako salvaged her gaffe, saying that she considered her family just by being hired, which lead to her next point: Anything Hana needed, Masako and the Tachibanas would provide. Unlike with the burger, Hana strongly rejected this offer, stating that she didn’t want handouts from anybody. Masako grumbled to herself that she would be a stubborn nut to crack…

“I inherited your power, old hag…”

Fitness Exam Arc:

We would next see Masako on the phone with her husband Satou, bemaoning the lack of help she had during the lunch rush while Hana was at school. The two would discuss Leo’s crush on Hana, but would be interrupted by Ryoko arriving at the Cafe, wanting to discuss something with Masako…

Ryoko would reveal that she too wanted to discuss Hana, having heard awful things about the small girl from Lisbeth, wanting her fired. Masako defended Hana, tensions flaring between the mother and daughter as the argument intensified, only to be calmed by a painting falling between them.

The painting would be revealed to belong to Masako and Leo’s father, Tsukiya. Ryoko considered this a sign from her husband that she was outnumbered on the topic and left, telling Masako to just keep an eye on Hana…

Kabocha Curves Club Arc:

Later the same day, Hana would call Masako to tell her she would be late to work. When she didn’t appear at all, she would call Satou, demanding that he head over to the cafe to help her with the dinner rush.

To her surprise, the next time Masako saw Hana, Leo would be carrying her in his arms. Hana had fainted in the street in front of Leo, and Satou found them in the rain. Worried, Masako told Leo to bring Hana brought her up to her bedroom to recover. While Satou prepared to help her close the cafe for the night, Masako discovered a bundle of photos taped behind the painting that had fallen earlier. They were photos of Ryoko and her friends when they were in high school, and Masako felt a strange familiarity with Ryoko’s best friend, but she couldn’t figure out why…

When Hana awoke and tried to prepare herself for work, Masako would stop her, promising that she would be paid for the day regardless. Hana’s stomach started rumbling, and she told Leo to grab Satou’s uneaten lunch from the refrigerator. When Leo returned with something he had just cooked instead, Masako was hesitant, knowing his poor culinary skills. Much to her surprise however, Hana absolutely loved it. This further cemented her intuition that the two were a match made in heaven…

“Really comin’ down, isn’t it?”

Teenage Dirtbags Arc:

With Ryoko unable to pick Leo up from the school due to severe weather, Masako would do so after the cafe closed late in the evening. Shocked to see that he had a girl with him, she teased him about his crush on Hana, saying that he had better be careful… as Hana was in her truck with her. Leo was shocked to see her, and Masako would be infuriated to know that Hana had gone to work but skipped school. Masako would use this as an opportunity to tease Hana, offering Krissy a job on the spot, stating that a position had just opened at the cafe. After reassuring Hana that she still had her job, Masako told them that she seriously needed more help at the cafe, her pregnancy beginning to really limit what she was able to do work-wise. Krissy accepted the job.

A few days later, Leo arrived with supplies at the cafe, shocked to see the new, skimpy uniforms Masako had given Hana and Krissy. Ever the tease, Masako mocked Leo’s reaction and Hana’s discomfort. As she told Hana she could change back into her old uniform however, Masako’s baby began to kick, forcing her to sit down. Worried, she told Hana she didn’t know how much longer she would be able to help run the cafe at all, and that she needed older, more professional help…




Masako has developed a strong attachment to Hana, wanting to mentor and protect her even before she learned of Leo’s attraction towards her. This has made her feelings increase ten-fold, already considering Hana family.


Deeply protective of her younger brother since they were young, Masako wants nothing but the best for Leo- and sees Hana as that best, doing everything she can to try and get the two together.


Masako’s husband, the two have a rock solid relationship, expecting their first child in the summer. She’s definitely the top.


Masako and Ryoko have a loving- if argumentative relationship with one another, their strong personalities often clashing. The unstoppable force vs the immovable object, if you will.


Masako’s best friend, the two being known as the “Kabocha Cows” in high school. Maeko is away in the USA at the beginning of the story, and Masako dearly misses her.



Masako’s first concept art, circa fall 2021

Masako was a relatively late addition to the story, not being conceptualized until after the comic had already entered production. She quickly became an extremely integral character!